Football, Cheerleaders, Girls, & Beer!

Football, Cheerleaders, Girls, & Beer!

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  1. New York StairLifts - Just in case...
  2. 101 Dancer Hints (advice for Strippers)
  3. Statement of Revocation of American Independence
  4. Roger Ebert's Glossary of Movie Terms
  5. How to really uninstall Symantec products like Norton SystemWorks
  6. You May Be A Democrat If... Stuff you Really Need to Know!
  7. NFL or NBA - Not what you think!

  Essential Updates for Windows (really good)
  WW II Movies Stars

10/22/2024 11:00:55 AM

This site has been up since 1999.


Some material here, including foul language, images of beautiful women, and scathing humor, are inappropriate for younger web surfers. If you're under 18 and you continue to view this we're going to rat on you to your mother. Go away!


Hooters Tipping Guide
Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders
Football Playoffs 2008
Giants Patriots Superbowl
Football Superbowl 2009

Geo Visitors Map  Hey, Boobo!